Devlog, Feb 10 - New NPCs! And general update

NPCs incoming!

Hey, folks!

Missed my devlog window last week - I was hoping to have some smaller updates to patch the demo with, but ended up sinking too many days into a scaling shader to handle different monitor resolutions, and it got messy. Didn't feel I had enough to show, unfortunately.

But, there's good news, and a new plan! We've locked in our Kickstarter date (more news coming soon - it won't launch this month), which also means there's a huge to-do list of fun new art that I need to start working through for the Kickstarter page.

As of yesterday, I've started down that list, which includes animating new NPCs, drawing new key art, and making lots of little gifs to make the page feel alive and exciting.

Here's a first look at some of those NPCs now!

You're already familiar with wizards and peanuts from the demo-- continuing on, we have:

  • Spectas, faceless ghosts that wear accessories to direct you where to look while talking to them;
  • Folis, skittish leaf-bugs that hide by blending in with their surroundings;
  • Berbles, roly-poly bear creatures that are light-hearted and blissfully ignorant;
  • Mysterious creatures not known by the land of Scrabdackle;
  • And the ducks, a proud, militant monarchy that give the Ducklands their namesake.

As with the peanuts, each of these will be found in groups in and around their respective 'hubs', with body, colour, and other variants. I've really enjoyed the current design strategy of making NPCs randomized and highly varied!

You'll learn more about these different creatures during the Kickstarter campaign ๐Ÿ˜„ Consider staying tuned here until the KS page goes up!

Anything else?

With the Kickstarter clock ticking, my plan is to release at least one more patch, but nothing more substantial in terms of content before the campaign starts. There's a big list of polish tasks left, which I know I won't all get through, but whatever progress I can make, I will.

It's possible I'll try and drop content during the Kickstarter to keep things exciting, if I have the time - we'll see! Would be fun to sneak in a new boss and do a speedrunning challenge, eh? ๐Ÿ˜‰

See you next time! Or, if you want to see what's coming up before it comes out - see you on Discord!

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