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Hey I would just like to report a (most likely known) visual bug:

The shadow under the cursor has a twin! (a.k.a. there is just another little circle shadow a few tiles away for some reason)

I think I completed the demo, and I can't wait for more!

will this game be on steam?


Yes! The full release will be on Steam, Itch, and possibly GOG.

GOG? what's GOG?

Good old games. A store like steam. It has it's own launcher.


Will the game be free?


No, I can't sustain a living without charging for the game, nor would I feel comfortable about dedicated a total of a year and a half of my life to giving away a high-effort product for free. The demo will remain free forever, and may still get 1-2 updates in the future.

Ahh woodchips welp at least i can play the first two updates!

by now, it's more lik 3,5-4 years...

(it's probably going to be like 6/7/8 years)

When the game full game will be release?

Please see this answer below!


I found a bug!

sometimes when you play, leave, and come back, the characters that you add to the journal will act like you never got them.


Hi, 2 issues I'm running into:

1 the app doesn't install this app for some reason. Luckly this can be resolved by manually downloading & running it

2: When it runs fullscreen it doesn't scale, the game is in the topleft of myscreen and the buttons don't line up with my mouse porition. Some config or commandline argument would be great to force windowed mode!

I'm running arch linux with wayland btw

Thanks a bunch, looking forward to trying this game!


Thanks Chillera! I'm aware of #1 as the game's currently meant to be manually downloaded (I'm not sure why the itch app is pushing it when I haven't yet set up the app integration - I'd prefer it didn't until I was ready for it).

#2 is a bug that's been cropping up only in the Kickstarter build the past few days, and which I'm trying to resolve for the March 30th secret content update. Right now if you can open the settings, turn off fullscreen mode, and turn it back on, that should reset it to 'proper' full screen! Sorry for the inconvenience there :)


Thanks for the tip! You probably already planned to do this, but a config file would help fix issues!

The game is awesome, great humor, totally my jam. Combat definitely has room for improvement but it's a solid start and as the game says, just 1 spell available for now.

Looking forward to the release :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok I LOVE this game, bosses are are hard but fun and beatable, I love the the art style and dialogue- I LOVE BOOTS 4 SALE GUY. Its just a really good game, I gotta my my parents if I can support the game on kickstarter, I really hope you can reach your goal! edit: one more thing add, I think it would be nice if you could rematch bosses after you beat them.


if i download the game windows says that the file is dangerous and it may harm my computer


Unfortunately that's part of exporting an EXE for a small project - until Microsoft can see it has been publically downloaded X number of times, it will warn you that it's an unknown file. Every time I put out a new version that download count per-file drops to 0 so this will happen a lot until I stop updating it :/

It is safe, though, and only needs to be approved to run.


when is the full game?

That depends on how much funding the Kickstarter gets! Hitting 100% will take us to the very end of the year, while adding in the stretch goal content would extend development time by 3-4 weeks per.


Also you can hire a dev team that you can release the in the year and you have tons of money from your kickstater. Use it for something!

(1 edit)

Hey sikry, while I'm thrilled at how the Kickstarter is doing, $24,000 CAD is not even going to cover my own costs, just rent while my partner covers everything else. Even if I didn't need the money myself, it wouldn't be half-enough to fairly pay a single additional developer for a year. Just to make it clear that it isn't some colossal amount of free money to throw around!

jakefriend you spelled my name wrong!


Very promising game, cant wait to see where it goes!


ok so the concept seems nice but i didnt really enjoy the art so much, very to much like childrens game to me


Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy the art, Yoppy. Did you end up trying the demo?


I personally find it to be a relaxing and simple art style from all the other games like is.


Made a video


I LOVE the art!


Very fond of the unique art style! I enjoyed the moments I had with this game!!!

hope my video on it gets the word out even just a little!


I loved your video!! Thanks so much for sharing! Your enthusiasm is so contagious hahahaha 😄 I'm so glad you enjoyed!

(3 edits) (+3)

This is a great game, it was lots of fun to play (and watch as it continues to get developed). Can't wait for the kickstarter, great work Jake!


hehe skrine go reinbo

(1 edit) (+3)

Such a cool game. Can't wait for the full version


This game looks awesome! :0


This was such a fun and hilarious game! super can't wait for the full game! Hope you enjoy the video! 


For mac I got the "" cannot be opened how do I fix this.

(1 edit)

i played the game again and im not sure what is new and what i just missed from the recent updates, bc this time i tried more things, but i liked skrine, the new ruin paths, and enjoyed using the Scry :>! Sadly though, everytime there is a new update, i try to 100% it, but this time when i tried to gather all the stars, i found that i got 7 of the 8 stars, and when i remembered each spot you could get a star in, i went to each one, and found nothing. I got locked out of 100%-ing it because of one glitch😅

Sorry to hear that, Enderslime! Do you know which star you weren't able to get? I haven't had any other reports about a problem like this, and the code around the stars is quite simple, so offhand I don't have enough starting information to have a sense of what happened.

(1 edit)

I would love to help, but i dont know which one it was, because i wasnt really paying attention to the order, meaning that i would go to places that i had already gone to and forget which ones i got and which ones i hadn't. If there was one missing, i would just think i had already gotten it, and i wasn't always checking my inventory, so i couldnt see if it just didn't register :/ . Sorry i couldn't help.

Bug report:

I was near the bottom of the map, one right and one down from the bottom teleportation circle in the secret room, and after I defeated the enemies the gates didn't open back up. I was playing on magic shield mode in case that matters.

Thanks for letting me know! Could you tell me the version, either on the filename or the main menu in-game?

0.1.06 I thought I updated but I guess it didn't.

Gotcha! The game doesn't auto update, so you have to re-download when there's a new version :) Glad to hear it's an old version as I was sure I had fixed that for 07!


i came here looking for copper, but i found gold, your game is epic, cant wait for the full version

(1 edit) (+3)

i made fanart because yes :P  (i just realized that the markings on the background should be lighter not darker :/  )


that looks so good your good


Oh wow, that's so awesome Enderslime! 😄 Really glad to see you back trying the demo updates! We're only about a week out from the big lore update with a ton more to do and read about the world, you should check that out too!

PS - we'd love to have you in our discord! It's a great place to share stuff like this and has a really good community in general!

(2 edits) (+1)

1: Thanks

2: Lore update sounds awesome! This is already on my revew that i wrote about the game, but generaly i really like stuff like this, so im super exited!

3: im planning on joining your discord ( i really want discord. Im twelve, soon to be thirteen, and im only allowed then and even with that i think i should familieries my self with it before joining and actual server thats not just with my friends ._. )

And 4:  :) LLLLlLLLlLLLlllllllOOoOOOOOOOooooooOoOoOoOorRRRrrrrrrrRRRrrrrREEEE UPpPdaTTE woooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (exitement levels increase by 50 points!)


woooooow this new demo added so much to the board on the left since the last time i played!


im so exited for the complete game! The demos, art gameplay and story so far are so fun to play! :


If you can't get the Mac version to run, it's because the binary lost its executable bit. Open the Terminal. cd into the directory where is located. Then do `chmod +x`.

After that, click to open the app as normal. You will see the message saying "you can't open because it's not verified..." Then go into Security & Privacy and click Open Anyway. From there, it should all start working.


Hi! I tried downloading this game on my mac, but for some reason (though I'm the owner) it says: "You do not have permission to open the application “Scrabdackle”." Does anyone know how to fix this? It's been happening to a bunch of games I've downloaded from

I don't know how to fix it, sorry. I've heard of a lot of general problems with Macs not being able to run games that weren't compiled on a Mac themselves due to overprotective authentication design - apparently Steam has a way of authenticating Mac builds, but it isn't something widely available to other platforms. Wish I could do something :/

You might need the app.

If you allready have it and still have the problem, go to system preferences>security and privacy>I would like to open app.....(something similar) accept {and/or} allow apps downloaded form: App Store and identified developers


Right click on it, then press "Open" if you were directly clicking in your dock, then it will ask for confirmation. Click "Open". Otherwise, go to System Preferences, then go to "Security & Privacy" then you should see something that says it was blocked and a button to open it anyway. Click on that.

(1 edit) (+1)

This should work, because i have been able to run it. is not an identified developer, so it will take about 3 mil downloads for this to be easier.

Only 2,993,500 to go! 😆🤞

Turns out this doesn't work, but it will still be easier to open after the 3 mil downloads.


Actually amazing (even doe i can't even beat the first boss)

+ It's made with GODOT!!!

Haha, appreciate that! The boss is a bit on the hard side for a first boss, but easier than you'd expect once you get familiar. Try to match the boss' strafing during the run-and-gun phase; if they're moving clockwise, try moving clockwise as well. The mid-health attack is quite hard to dodge but it only happens that one time! If you've having trouble with that one, you can actually dodge more easily by moving slowly to avoid running out of dodge room too fast. Hope that helps!




Dis be. magic



nice game!


Excited to see this project come to full fruition! Keep up the good work 


Will there be classes to choose from in the final version? Like fire, water, ice.

Not so much classes, but definitely a wide variety of spells and utility abilities. The plan is for someone to have any 3 spells selected at a time, out of >12ish planned. So you can choose your own kit out of options that are largely balanced, with some asymmetry.

should I get 64  bit or 32 bit?


this art style is so cute :o :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Really fun game, but is the demo meant to save between sessions? I found 5 stars and closed the game to take a break, but when I re-opened it all my progress was lost :c

ETA: I used the in-game save checkpoints and everything.

(1 edit) (+1)

Sorry, the game doesn't have true save files right now. I'll add some messaging in the game to indicate this - I'd thought of it as a one-session demo and hadn't thought to advise players of that. Apologies for that surprise!

Edit - As of early December, the demo now has a proper savefile :)


i can't open the game on linux

Not sure I can help you troubleshoot that, I haven't heard of other Linux users having any difficulty with launching so I'd assume it's a local issue.

I get an error installing the Linux version: "No manager for install"


Ah! Finally! I found the time to play updated version!

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