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I cant open the game because my operation system (win10) says its a virus and even when i click „Open despite it” game isn’t running

Are there any solution of my problem?


Hi Ari, I can't control that unfortunately. I'm signing the file on export, but if your computer has any stricter security settings enabled, that may just not be enough. I haven't taken any steps to acquire a formal signed certificate but that's something I might be able to look into in the future.


one of the characters look like totoro


Wow! It's beautifully game!


I've done it...I have toppled the government. The infrastructure of our society now hangs from the frail branches of chaos. Without our four-sided ruler, how shall we prevail? And at the behest of a simple peanut arbitrary are the facets of life, foresight would seem a prudent necessity, a true mark of wealth among the commons...yet here I stand, empty of purse, bits upon the dirt floor, poorer than all.


You lost me with the comment text but I loved the video! Some of the things you noticed have since been fixed (there's been several updates since the version you played) but really glad you enjoyed, thanks for sharing! The boss fight is only part of the demo though; there's still plenty of secrets hidden around still 😉


OhhohHO! I'll be on the look out. ;{)

I'm glad you enjoyed my lil' video! You're doing some awesome work, keep it going!


Very nice art. what program did you use to draw it?

It's all drawn in Aseprite, which is about $20, and IMO the best available program for pixel art whether traditional or cel-drawn. Highly recommended!


Did you get inspiration from link's awakening ?


Yeah! Mainly the overworld and sense of place.  It'll be more apparent when the world is larger, I think, but it's one of my all-time favourites. Not a direct inspiration necessarily, but definitely one of the leading influences.


I was wondering, the bits/gems you can get while exploring, what do they do ?

Currently in the demo there's only one hidden use for spending 200 of them, which is grants a reward that also has no value. In the future, bits will be a general currency for hints, minigames, and some misc interactions.

Maybe other spells too ?

Lots of upcoming things 😉 The demo's pretty bare-bones compared to what I'm building towards. But the demo will eventually have more spells as well, across the next few updates.

(1 edit) (+4)

Love the art style :D


This is an amazing game! I would buy this on steam in a heartbeat. The little lord took me a few tries and was very well balanced. Good Work


WOW amazing, i won't hesitate to buy this on steam. The animations are just amazing.


what do i do when i get the wand

like when i get it the gui of getting it doesnt go away


Hm, that's a new one to me. The event waits until the audio completes (about 3-4 seconds) and then gives a "Press Q" prompt to end the event. Is the prompt not showing up?

1.No, Its not showing up.

2.I can't use my computer audio.


That pink dude with a crown looks like TechnoBlade, lol.




love it :D


Amazing demo! I got stuck on little lord though.



Rly nice demo! All clear and no bugs, congratulations! Rly promissing!!


Played for a bit and enjoyed it quite a bit! I'll return for launch. I'm really impressed that you're tackling every aspect of game design. Keep up the good work!


Is possible to play scrabdackle kn mobile?


I'm only developing it for PC, presently.


Only played a little bit of it but it's really good :D keep up the good work!


there were more than 5 stars you could find...

Were you playing an older version? There was an invisible one I'd left in; it was taken out for 0.3.


oh ok probably. Thanks 🙂.


This was awesome! I had some trouble defeating little lord but other than that it's great! Can't wait o see what you do with this.


This game is amazing. I love the design and clever little details. I didn't see any particular bugs except snake still talking even though it disappeared after giving me the artifact, and trash bandit kinda getting stuck and being unable to move sometimes. Can't wait for the full game. Thumbs up!

(1 edit) (+3)

Oh I'm so excited to watch this! So glad you enjoyed 😄 (The snake disappearing isn't a bug, though, just part of its mystery!)


Part 2 is out, you can all watch it if you're interested! It took me about 50 minutes to do everything and see everything, literally every nook and cranny, except I cut it down to 30 minutes both videos combined. 


Ooh I was looking forward to Part 2! Nice work finding everything :)


Can't wait for more!


Best game ever!


I very much enjoyed playing the demo! You've created a very polished and stable experience. The way you focused on player feedback is truly inspiring! Loved the main menu easter egg!

I can't wait to see the game fully fleshed out with content! I feel like some more variety or some unique landmarks could go a long way in making the screens a bit more distinguishable.


I can't seem to get it to run, it keeps getting stuck on the game engine screen


I am facing the same problem too. My screen is stuck on Gobot Game Engine splash screen. I can still hear the sound effect of cursor hovering above buttons.


awesome game. Reminded me of zelda and binding of isaac. Love everything about it. Keep it up please. I wanna see this on steam in about a year lol


Love the art style and gameplay, I really hope you keep developing this. Also, what engine do you use?


Thanks! It's in Godot Engine 3.2, which is free and open-source. It's been a breeze to develop in so far.

does this work on windows x86 based?

I believe so as I haven't heard otherwise, but I'm just about to put out a new patch. I can do a 32-bit windows version which should for sure work either way.

A 32-bit version is now out for x86 users!


The client can't install the Linux demo 0.1.03, error message: 

No manager for installer unknown

Someone mentioned this further down, but said it worked fine when downloaded manually from the website. I'm not sure why that is presently, but hopefully that works for you as well!

Yeah the manual download works. Hope you can fix the installer for the client!

Go to the preference of the application. Go to premmision there and tick the box saying acces as excitable file

That has nothing to do with the installation issue when using the client. The installation script isn't configured properly and nothing downloads.

It isn't so much that the installation script isn't configured properly as that there isn't an installation script. The game's just a basic executable file; it's intended to be downloaded and played normally. I'd like to support the itch app integration eventually, but I didn't even know about it until a few weeks after launch, so it's going to be a future thing.


Sounds good. Maybe have a chat with fellow itch'er MagellanicGames? Their game Office Point Rescue is also just a single file and works fine with the client.


This game looks absolutely amazing and would love to play it! But sadly I own a mac. So if you could make a mac version that would be great, but It's fine if you don't. I can't wait to see more!


I really hope I can get a mac version out for you soon! Godot has a generic mac export but it hasn't worked for anyone I've hereto tested with, I'd really like to maintain a mac version once I can resolve that though!


Oh, I wish you good luck with figuring that out. And thanks for working hard to get it working. Have a good day.

Hi, I actually had a successful test of the Mac build this morning, so it's just been released! I hope it works for you as well :)

I'm getting a download error for the Mac version saying that it can't find the server, so I can't download the demo.

Are you trying to download via the itch app? The itch app requires an integration I haven't set up, and I wish I could disallow the option. It has to be downloaded manually from a browser.

Otherwise, there's zero server connections of any kind in the file itself. It's entirely self-contained.

(1 edit) (+1)

also great job on the game! i love the art, music, game play, and don't forget the peanut people!


snake guy gave me something and i dont know what it is or what to do with it.

is there something i can do with it now, or is it not in the demo?

It's just for bragging rights - unfortunately the lack of text saying so in-game has been confusing to a lot of people, sorry about that! 😅

(2 edits) (+1)

That's fine! Thanks for clearing it up, jakefriend!


im back on a different acount!(man its been like three months) i came back to the game to see that you inserted the message you were talking about.The slime is happy.

Haha I'm so glad you noticed! 😄 I've been trying to apply as much feedback as I have time to, that was some really good feedback!



Just finished the demo - thoroughly enjoyed it. Would easily pay $10 for a full experience. Great job!

Dies with an error when attempting to install this from the itch app on linux, but works ok downloading it manually from the website.


It's a lot of fun! The bomb spell felt good to use, and jumping feels like a natural addition, I like that it's floaty.  The boss was a fun fight with good variety, I really liked the spell reflecting attack. I look forward to seeing what more gets added to it!


fun and very cool, can't wait for more 


A silly, enjoyable, juicy, charming little game! Looking forward to updates!


Ah, Finally you won my heart with this game!

I am Impressed! :D

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