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Really fun game!


really fun! my fastest time was 5:33 left on shift. maybe it's just because im trying to speedrun, but i am noticing a few bugs every now and then again. colliding with ghost blocks, blocks placing in each other, not being able to climb when holding 2 blocks, blocks placing in incorrect positions, but the bugs weren't bad, especially for being made in 48 hours! just pointing it out incase dev ever wants to come back to the game!


Very fun game, I love replaying and seeing how fast I can beat it!


I was so sad to not complete it within the limit at 70%, but then it kept ticking and I went :O

Great concept and fun visuals!


Hey boss how do I finish this building.. boss?


It looks like you used scaffold instead of bricks on the right wall! Can't see the left but possibly the same there too? (I recognize the readability on the left side isn't great - an issue I didn't have time to solve unfortunately!)


love it!


Pretty fun and cozy, but a bit buggy (gird was floating off the ground for a moment since I guess I moved too fast, and eventually the game locked up with 55% completion), but certainly a fun little game ^v^

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Great game, Jake!


so cute and fun! maybe it took me over ten minutes past the timer, maybe it didn't, who can say??? but regardless, i built that gosh darn house!!

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i'll come clean. i got it done in -35:00 /j


Gird's Grueling Gig Gameplay


Got lost in the joy of building and definitely lost, but omg what a fun game and challenge <3 <3 gj jake!!!


Really fun navigating around what you built. I did screenshot the building schematics and have it open on the side. Not sure if that's against the spirit of the game but I was able to complete it first try with 1:30 remaining.


This game is both a pain in the ass and a really great game. Glad to see Jake making games again.


A pretty fun and interesting concept! Pretty amazed this was all done in a period of 48h. Very much another chaotic and tense jam entry for Jake, and I kind of love that element. Having the need of going as fast as you can because of the time limit is pretty fun because it allows me to think on the spot the best/fastest method to get the job done. Was able to win after 3 rounds.

If more time was spent on this, things like a visual indicator of where you're grabbing/placing a block would be convenient (it was on my 2nd round that I learned and got used to the fact you can grab/place a block up and down, I thought it was only left/right) and a way to reset a round would be nice as well.

Great work, though!